This is a list of books for different subjects and levels of education. The books are written in Portuguese, English or Spanish. The number after the subject indicates the grade level for which the book is intended. Some books have more than one copy available, indicated by the number in parentheses after the title. Some books also have accompanying workbooks or guides, indicated by the words \"CADERNO DE ACTIVIDADES\", \"GUIÃES DE LEITURA\" or \"FICHAS\". The books are:
- 5 GEOGRAFIA -Ã DESCOBERTA, CADERNO DE ACTIVIDADES SANTILLANA: A workbook for geography in grade 5, published by Santillana.
- 8 HISTÃRIA VIAGEM NA HISTÃRIA 8 (2): A history book for grade 8, with two copies available.
- 8 HISTÃRIA SINAIS DE HISTÃRIA ( CADERNO DE ACTIVIDADES): A workbook for history in grade 8.
- 8 HISTÃRIA VIAGENS POP. E POVOAMENTO: A history book for grade 8, focusing on population and settlement.
- 8 HISTÃRIA - O FIO DA HISTÃRIA (2): A history book for grade 8, with two copies available.
- TEXTO 8 INGLÃS GETTING ON 8 - NÃVEL 4 (2 LIVROS): Two English books for grade 8, level 4, published by Texto.
- 8 INGLÃS - COOL ZONE (3): An English book for grade 8, with three copies available.
- TEXTO 9 INGLÃS ITEEN 8 (3): Three English books for grade 9, published by Texto.
- 8 INGLÃS NEW WAVE NIVEL 4: An English book for grade 8, level 4.
- 8 INGLÃS - COOL ZONE (2): An English book for grade 8, with two copies available.
- TEXTO 8 ESPANHOL - CLUBE PRISMA EDINUMEN: A Spanish book for grade 8, published by Texto and Edinumen.
- 8 LÃNGUA PORTUGUESA - CADERNO DE ATIVIDADES LEYA EDUCAÃÃO: A workbook for Portuguese language in grade 8, published by Leya EducaÃÃo.
- 8 INGLÃS - PREPARAR OS TESTES (2) AREAL EDITORES: Two books to prepare for English tests in grade 8, published by Areal Editores.
- 8 LÃNGUA PORTUGUESA ENTRE PALAVRAS 8 (2): A Portuguese language book for grade 8, with two copies available.
- 8 LÃNGUA PORTUGUESA PORTUGUÃS (CADERNO DE ACTIVIDADES): A workbook for Portuguese language in grade 8.
- 8 LÃNGUA PORTUGUESA PORTUGUÃS (GUIÃES DE LEITURA): A reading guide for Portuguese language in grade 8.
- 8 LÃNGUA PORTUGUESA P8: A Portuguese language book for grade 8.
- 8 MATEMÃTICA MATEMÃTICA EM ACÃÃO: A mathematics book for grade 8.
- 8 MATEMÃTICA PREPARAR OS TESTES: A book to prepare for mathematics tests in grade 8.
- 8 MATEMÃTICA MATEMÃTICA DINÃMICA ( CADERNO DE TAREFAS): A workbook for mathematics in grade 8.
- 8 MATEMÃTICA MATEMATICAMENTE FALANDO 8 (2): A mathematics book for grade 8, with two copies available.
- 8 PORTUGÃS - PREPARAR OS TESTES AREAL EDITORES: A book to prepare for Portuguese tests in grade 8, published by Areal Editores.
- 8 PORTUGUÃS - ESTUDAR PARA OS TESTES RAIZ EDITORA: A book to study for Portuguese tests in grade 8, published by Raiz Editora.
- 8 PORTUGUÃS -CADERNO DE ACTIVIDADES TEXTO: A workbook for Portuguese language in grade 8, published by Texto.
- TECNIC VOL 2: A book for information and communication technologies in grade 8, volume 2.
- TECNIC VOL 3: A book for information and communication technologies in grade 8, volume 3.
- TECNIC VOL 1: A book for information and communication technologies in grade 8, volume 1.
- 8 CIÃNCIAS BIOTERRA - VIVER MELHOR NA TERRA (FICHAS): A workbook for science in grade 8, with a focus on living better on Earth.
- 9 CIÃNCIAS VIVER 9 C N: A science book for grade 9, with a focus on living things.
- 9
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This is the end of the list of books. I hope this rewrite helps you understand the text better.ð 0efd9a6b88