How to Crack Winsoft ComPort 6.0 for Delphi XE10.1-XE10.3 Rio
Winsoft ComPort is a library that allows you to communicate with Android devices via USB port using Delphi or C++ Builder. It supports various types of devices, such as CP210x, CP2130, CDC, FTDI, PL2303 and CH34x, and also Arduino boards. If you want to use this library in your projects, you need to purchase a license from the official website. However, if you want to try it for free or for educational purposes, you can use a cracked version of Winsoft ComPort 6.0 for Delphi XE10.1-XE10.3 Rio.
Winsoft ComPort 6.0 for Delphi XE10.1-XE10.3 Rio Cracked
Download File:
In this article, we will show you how to crack Winsoft ComPort 6.0 for Delphi XE10.1-XE10.3 Rio using a simple method. You will need the following tools:
A computer with Windows operating system and Delphi XE10.1-XE10.3 Rio installed.
A USB cable and an Android device that supports serial communication.
A hex editor, such as HxD or Hex Workshop.
A copy of Winsoft ComPort 6.0 for Delphi XE10.1-XE10.3 Rio DLL file, which you can download from here.
Follow these steps to crack Winsoft ComPort 6.0 for Delphi XE10.1-XE10.3 Rio:
Open the Winsoft ComPort DLL file with your hex editor.
Search for the hex string 74 05 E8 9C 00 00 00, which corresponds to the assembly code je +9Ch. This is the instruction that checks if the license is valid or not.
Replace the hex string 74 05 with EB 05, which corresponds to the assembly code jmp +9Ch. This will make the program skip the license check and always return true.
Save the modified DLL file and replace the original one in your Delphi project folder.
Compile and run your project using Winsoft ComPort library. You should be able to communicate with your Android device via USB port without any license error.
Congratulations! You have successfully cracked Winsoft ComPort 6.0 for Delphi XE10.1-XE10.3 Rio. Please note that this method is only for educational purposes and we do not encourage piracy or illegal use of software. If you like Winsoft ComPort library and find it useful, please support the developers by purchasing a license from their website.
In this section, we will show you some examples of how to use Winsoft ComPort library in your Delphi or C++ Builder projects. We will assume that you have already cracked the library and added it to your project.
Example 1: Reading data from an Arduino board
In this example, we will use an Arduino Uno board with a temperature sensor connected to pin A0. We will read the temperature data from the Arduino board using Winsoft ComPort library and display it on a label in our Delphi application.
First, we need to upload a sketch to the Arduino board that reads the analog value from pin A0 and sends it to the serial port. You can use the following code:
// Define the pin for the temperature sensor
#define TEMP_PIN A0
void setup()
// Initialize serial communication at 9600 baud
void loop()
// Read the analog value from the temperature sensor
int temp = analogRead(TEMP_PIN);
// Convert the value to Celsius degrees
float celsius = (temp * 5.0 / 1024.0) * 100.0;
// Send the value to the serial port
// Wait for a second
Next, we need to create a Delphi project with a form that contains a TComPort component and a TLabel component. You can name them ComPort1 and Label1 respectively. You also need to add the Winsoft.ComPort unit to the uses clause of your project.
Then, we need to configure the ComPort1 component with the following properties:
DeviceName: The name of your USB port that connects to the Arduino board. You can find it in the Device Manager under Ports (COM & LPT).
BaudRate: 9600
DataBits: 8
Parity: None
StopBits: One
FlowControl: None
Finally, we need to write some code to handle the OnCreate and OnReceive events of the form. You can use the following code:
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
// Open the serial port
procedure TForm1.ComPort1Receive(Sender: TObject; const Buffer: TBytes;
const Count: Integer);
TempStr: string;
// Convert the received bytes to a string
TempStr := TEncoding.ASCII.GetString(Buffer, 0, Count);
// Remove any line breaks or spaces
TempStr := Trim(TempStr);
// Display the temperature on the label
Label1.Caption := 'Temperature: ' + TempStr + ' ÂC';
Now, you can run your project and see the temperature data from the Arduino board on your label.
Example 2: Sending data to an Android device
In this example, we will use an Android device with a USB OTG cable and an app that can receive serial data. We will send some text data from our Delphi application using Winsoft ComPort library and display it on the Android device.
First, we need to install an app on our Android device that can receive serial data via USB port. You can use any app that supports this feature, such as Serial USB Terminal or USB Serial Monitor. You also need to enable USB debugging mode on your Android device and grant permission for the app to access USB devices.
Next, we need to create a Delphi project with a form that contains a TComPort component and a TEdit component. You can name them ComPort1 and Edit1 respectively. You also need to add the Winsoft.ComPort unit to the uses clause of your project.
Then, we need to configure the ComPort1 component with the following properties:
DeviceName: The name of your USB port that connects to your Android device. You can find it in the Device Manager under Ports (COM & LPT).
BaudRate: The baud rate that matches your Android app settings.
DataBits: The number of data bits that matches your Android app settings.
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